How One Real Estate Investor Found a ‘Hidden’ Opportunity in Today's Red-Hot Market Worth Over $127K


In today’s red hot, sizzling real estate market —there’s never been a better time for real estate investors to find motivated sellers, right?

Well, kind of — but there’s a downside: 

A frenetic market leads to endless competition as established investors double down and new entrants flood the market.

The end result?

Your precious leads are receiving pitches, offers, and endless deals from countless other real estate investors just like you…

Which often puts you in the ‘meh’ pile along with everyone else.

No, thanks.

However, there’s a market that’s often underserved at best…or woefully ignored at worst.

In today’s case study, we’ll reveal how one real estate investor, Paul, tapped into the ‘hidden’ profits from uber-motivated probate sellers using a simple strategy to build rapport and trust from relatives of the recently deceased.

And you can do the same.

Why Real Estate Investors Must Zig Like Paul When Everyone Else Zags

Some real estate investors shy away from probate leads unless one falls from the skies and onto their lap.

Why?  Well, because dealing with relatives of the deceased doesn’t seem like a day at the beach…but guess what?

These homes need to be sold. And often lightning-fast.

80% of heirs will sell or transfer the property’s title within 18 months. 

Since many of these homes are paid off, there’s a lot of equity on the line, and many families want to get the deed done so they can begin to move on.

In fact, here’s some stunning data on the goldmine of probate real estate:

  • 74 million Americans between the ages of 25 and 75 own homes.

  • Each year, nearly 2.7 million Americans in this age group die.

  • If these deaths were divided evenly among all 50 states, there’d be 50,000 probate home sales per state.

That’s where Paul came in and decided to target probate leads, but ditched all the usual ways of reaching out to sellers.

The competition in my area is insane. Prospects are bombarded with offers to buy their home. I needed a way to stand out from the pack. That’s when I found
— Paul, Real Estate Investor

Instead, he chose an old-school, yet simple method that led to instant trust, rapport, and empathy that is rare in today’s world.

As the saying by renowned marketer Sir John Hegarty goes: 

"When the world zigs, zag."

That’s exactly what Paul did, and it paid off.

Handwritten Cards >2X’d Paul’s Response Rate, Leading To 7 Deals and a Pipeline Of Motivated Sellers

Paul knew he couldn’t deploy the same old tactics most real estate investors use with probate leads; these people were grieving and needed a light touch.

Postcards? Too impersonal.

Phone calls? Too spammy.

Drive for dollars? Uh, come on!

Instead of doing the ‘same old, same old’ techniques that usually wind up with leads blowing you off (or worse, getting angry with you), Paul used the power of handwritten notes.

Handwritten notes represented the best of both worlds: 

They converted much better than a ‘printed’ letter due to their personal touch and created the empathy needed for the probate market.

Now, you may be wondering: what should your handwritten note say? Here’s a simple framework you can use to create your own.

Dear [NAME],

  1. Friendly introduction. Introduce yourself quickly and with polite language.

  2. Get right to the point. Don’t waste time and be specific about why you’re reaching out.

  3. Be empathetic of their situation. Being sensitive to their circumstances will build trust.

  4. Have a clear CTA. Let them know exactly what to do next if they’re interested.

So, what were the results?

With 7,127 handwritten cards sent out, Paul achieved well above a 1% response rate which is over double what typical postcard mailers get.

But that’s not all.

The responses were of much higher quality than nearly any other tactic —they were engaged, interested, and thankful that Paul took the time to pen a handwritten note.

I had more than one client tell me they chose me because I actually wrote them a letter.
— Paul

Of the 83 responses, 27 turned into potential deals, and by now, 7 have closed.

With the average deal in Paul’s market bringing in $18,122…that’s worth at least $126,854 in profits, as well as a steady, consistent pipeline of motivated sellers on the back-end.

All because handwritten notes work astonishingly well.

Why Real Estate Investors Use Handwritten Notes As Their ‘Secret’ Weapon

So, why did Paul’s approach of finding a unique market and then targeting them with handwritten notes work to bring in over $100K in 75 days?

1. They’re as rare as the Bald Eagle.

Let’s face it: real estate investors value speed. But screaming desperation like the clinger who texts 7 times after a first date? Not quite a recipe for success.

And specifically, in the real estate market: consumers are ‘on-guard’ to shady tactics, and WE BUY HOMES’ signs on every corner like these:


Good luck with that.

Instead, using handwritten notes —you’ll stand out from the masses.

2. Handwritten notes have a 98% open rate.

In 2021’s fast-paced, digital world —going old school pays off: most Americans only receive a few pieces of personal mail every year.

The good news? Your handwritten notes have a 98% open rate which is unheard of with any other medium.

(You’re a total Rockstar if you get a 20% email open rate.)

And guess what? They not only get opened —people are 3 to 4 times more likely to respond to a handwritten note.

3. You’ll meet sellers where they are...with empathy.

As real estate investors, it’s easy to forget that each potential ‘deal’ represents real people, real families, and real circumstances.

The secret of handwritten notes is the empathy factor: the low stakes, yet highly personalized format taps into the Law Of Reciprocity.

We’ve all experienced this law: someone does a favor for us, sends a thank you card, or simply gives us a great experience…and we feel compelled to pay it forward.

It’s basic psychology working in your favor.

Okay, Okay…But Who Wants to Sit and Write 7,000 Cards!?

Now, you may be thinking:

How did Paul find the time to identify, write and mail out over 7,000 handwritten notes to probate property owners?

Not to mention, wasting his precious time at the post office with a line out the door and one employee on call.

He didn’t.

He used, the easiest way to get customized, handwritten notes in the hands of your customers and prospects…on demand. 

In fact, Handwrite takes care of every step of the process. And no, these notes won’t look like a machine-made them…they look 100% handwritten using a real pen and real stamps.

See for yourself:

Handwritten card example with custom printing on the front, plus handwritten envelope and real stamp.

Handwritten card example with custom printing on the front, plus handwritten envelope and real stamp.

Today, real estate investors would be wise to follow Paul’s winning formula.

Key Takeaways

  • Avoid the masses. In a market frenzy, investors are all vying for sellers, but Paul switched tactics to avoid the masses and stand out from the competition.

  • Be unique and stand out. Okay, so you have a list of leads...what now? Find a way to stand out and be memorable without being spammy.

  • Capitalize on the ‘human’ touch. Whether probate or not, a successful real estate deal hinges on human connection.

While today’s case study focused on Paul and how he targeted probate leads, that’s only one use of handwritten notes.

Real estate investors can easily deploy this strategy for geo-targeted campaigns, expired listings, rental properties, and foreclosures.
No matter what kind of prospect list you have, handwritten notes easily set you apart from the crowd and create a level of engagement no other method can.

An Offer Real Estate Investors Can’t Refuse

Are you trying to stand out as a real estate investor? Well, we have an offer you can’t refuse. (That’s why we call it the Godfather Offer.)

Let us know who you want to send to and what you want to say, and our concierge service team will take care of the rest. 

Plus, you’ll get:

  • FREE professional design service to create a custom card design (or choose from our selection of ready-to-go designs).

  • Double credits on your first order. 

  • Free signature digitization (a $199 value)

Stop leaving money on the table and become a real investor who stands out in today’s crowded market.

We’ll deliver a custom campaign designed to turn strangers into prospects, and prospects into deals that get closed.

Limited slots are available, so apply today!


World’s Greatest Salesman Attributes Success to This One Specific Tactic